6 Reasons Your Belly Refuses to Go Flat

Nowadays, many people have problems losing weight, especially in their abdomens. Many diets are extreme, and exercise is the only way to eliminate the extra belly.

Unluckily, many of them don’t work as they are said to be. If you are asking yourself why, even when you are taking care of the daily meals you are taking and their nutritional value and even when you are doing a lot of workouts, there are still no wanted results – here are the reasons for your doubt:


Reason N.1:

NOT SLEEPING ENOUGH—Sleeping less than 6 hours a day can contribute to weight problems. Research on 80,000 women has shown that those who sleep five hours or less could gain 30 lbs.

Reason N.2:

WRONG EXERCISES—Find out which exercises are good for you and which are correct. Please talk with your workout coach or seek advice from nutritionists about your daily routine, what you are consuming, and how your body responds to it. They will help you with the right workouts, and you will have the desired results even after two weeks.


Reason N.3:

GETTING OLDER—Your body changes can cause weight gain. As you age, your metabolism slows. Menopause can cause belly changes in women because hormones and estrogen decrease.


Reason N.4:

If you eat drinks, crackers, white bread, and chips, you cannot increase weight. Can only increase the body’s inflammation. Try changing with vegetables and fruits.


Reason N.5:

Debilitated facts
Gaining weight can also be associated with the dispersion of false facts. This is the wrong information we can find on the back of the products we are buying and the meat with inflammation properties.

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Reason N.6:

When you are under stress, you often consume a lot of high-calorie food, which increases your cortisol level.

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