Relieve Chronic Pain with the ‘Holy Powder’

Chronic pain affects 1 in 5 people in the USA, making it really difficult, almost impossible to work and enjoy family and friends.

What is Chronic Pain?

Chronic pain is a pain that lasts more than two months. While acute pain is a normal feeling that alerts us to potential injury, chronic pain is truly different. It is a persistent pain that includes low back pain, headache, arthritis pain, neurogenic pain, cancer pain, and psychogenic pain. An individual can have two or even more co-existing chronic pain disorders.

About the ‘Holy Powder’

People in India refer to turmeric as ‘Holy powder’.

Turmeric is a marigold-colored spice that has been used from ancient times to treat numerous health problems. The main ingredient in turmeric is called curcumin.

Modern studies are now confirming many of its traditional claims, discovering an astonishing range of antibiotic, antioxidant, antiviral, anti-cancer, and other properties. It has been also proven that turmeric is 5 to 8 times more powerful than vitamins C and E. Due to its abundant anti-inflammatory properties, it can reduce inflammation and pain naturally, without making any damage to the liver or kidneys.

You can find turmeric into a curry (popular Indian spice with distinctive coloring and flavor) and use its amazing pain-relief benefits.

How does Turmeric Relieve Chronic Pain? 

Using turmeric to slow the production of eicosanoids brings their levels in the body back to normal and consequently, chronic systemic inflammation in the body decreases expressively.

Curcumin, turmeric’ active ingredient, is responsible for the incredible healing powers of turmeric, which helps to lower the levels of the enzymes in the body that cause inflammation.

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How to Use Turmeric? 

If you watch Dr. Oz on TV, you probably already know that he always suggests that everyone should have a jar of powdered turmeric in their kitchen and put some to the meals instead of salt or pepper. You can also find turmeric in supplement form.

Specialists recommend the usage of turmeric (Curcuma longa) standardized extract, 3 times per day (300 mg dose) to reduce pain and inflammation.

For natural treatments, you can make turmeric tea, or drink ginger tea and add some turmeric or black pepper. That will help you reduce chronic pain.

Use turmeric as a spice more often in your kitchen in order to reduce pain and inflammation.  For example, you can add it to rice, soup, frittata, tofu, scrambled egg, and scrambles. Use can also toss it with some roasted vegetables, and blend it into different smoothies.




Turmeric has abundant of health benefits, and certainly deserves the name ‘Holy powder’. It is used to reduce arthritis pain, inflammation, and heartburn.

It is still unclear how turmeric works against inflammation and chronic pain, but scientists are working on its properties very progressively. Turmeric is usually very safe to use, but long-term or high doses can cause indigestion. People with gallbladder disease and pregnant women must avoid using turmeric.
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