Can you imagine if your children have an asthma attack and you can’t find the inhaler?

What if somebody from your developed a bacterial infection and you don’t have any medical help?

What if you don’t have access to a dentist and you have a terrible toothache?

This all question can be answered with this list of essential oils:



Lavender is known as the Swiss army knife in essential oils. Lavender can heal cuts, burns, insomnia, stress, sleep deprivation, sunburn, lice, inflammation, bug bites, and a lot of other conditions. You should have 2 bottles in your survival kit because this is the best essential oil.



Lemon is known for its cleansing ability and it dissolves petrochemicals in your body. Also lemon is great for intestinal parasites and it can help with colds and flu. Lemon improves liver work, sore throat, and dozens of other conditions.



Peppermint is good for head and muscle aches and it’s effective for allergies, digestive issues, nausea, and menstrual problems.



Oregano is effective against bacterial and yeast infections and it relieves joint and back pain.



Melaleuca is effective against bug bites, eczema, psoriasis, skin irritation,s and athlete’s foot. Al, so it can help with slivers in the skin and is good against respiratory and throat pathogens.



Myrrh a is very good antiseptic and can be applied on open wounds. Myrrh stimulates blood circulation and the immune system and it can promote tissue regeneration. Because of its analgesic and astringent properties, it can ease a lot of other infections.

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Clove has analgesic and antibiotic properties and it can relieve headaches, toothaches, and other pain. It can draw infections and toxins out of the body.



Frankincense enhances the effects of all essentiaoilsil and it can help with inflammation, headaches, skin tissue recovery, and all the mentioned conditions before.



Lemongrass is cramping muscles and soothes sore. It can warm feet in winter and is an effective bug repellent.


Investing in essential oils you will provide security to your family without any side effects.

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