Ascorbic Acid vs. Sodium Ascorbate: Which Vitamin C is Better?

Everyone knows that vitamin C is important for having your body defended against all sorts of infections and diseases. That’s because it helps make your immune system strong.  Vitamin C is also vital for healthy skin, hair, gums, teeth, bones and connective tissues. Further, it is important for the proper absorption of iron.


These days, you may come across a couple of types of vitamin C supplements. They are ascorbic acid and sodium ascorbate. So which noneshould you go for? Continue reading to have a much better idea.


Getting to Know Them

In the past, there was only ascorbic acid available for those who feel that they are not getting enough vitamin C via the diet, or they are deficient in it. Ascorbic acid is an antioxidant, and it’s the same type of vitamin C that you can obtain from fruits — especially citrus ones — and some leafy vegetables.

Then there is also sodium ascorbate. It may have a different name and a slightly different chemical composition, but it is still vitamin C. So what makes it different from ascorbic acid? It’s the presence of sodium — or salt. Experts say that up to 11 percent of sodium ascorbate consists of sodium. The rest is your good old ascorbic acid.


It’s All About the Side Effects

First things first: ascorbic acid is a wonderful form of vitamin C. It is very good at strengthening the immune system and correcting medical problems that stem from a deficiency in vitamin C. However, there is a particular problem that is commonly faced by those who take ascorbic acid, and that’s hyperacidity.

The name alone suggests that ascorbic acid is highly acidic. The intake of ascorbic acid can be a real problem for those who are prone to hyperacidity or have acid reflux. Because of this very common side effect of ascorbic acid, the introduction of sodium ascorbate into the market was inevitable.

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Addition of Sodium

Sodium ascorbate still consists of ascorbic acid. However, there is sodium added to it, which is capable of counteracting the acidity of ascorbic acid. In other words, the intake of sodium ascorbate won’t leave your tummy feeling acidic. Also, it won’t make those with acid reflux put up with heartburn and other unfavorable symptoms.

There is another perk that is offered by the intake of sodium ascorbate, and that’s it is absorbed much faster by the body, according to experts. Furthermore, they add that sodium ascorbate tends to stay much longer in your body, unlike ascorbic acid which can be easily flushed out via the urine.


A Few Downsides Involved

If you think that sodium ascorbate is way better than ascorbic acid, think again. That’s because there are a few downsides to the intake of sodium ascorbate. Initially, one of the downsides that you will encounter is the cost — yes, sodium ascorbate is usually pricierthant ascorbic acid.

Again, up to 11 percent of sodium ascorbate is made up of sodium. We all know that some people should limit their consumption of sodium, such as those with high blood pressure and heart disease. So doing the math, you will be getting 111 mg of sodium if you pop a 1,000 mg sodium ascorbate capsule in your mouth.


Let’s Sum Things Up

It’s important to note that both ascorbic acid and sodium ascorbate are superb at providing the many different health benefits of vitamin C. However, each one of them has its own set of pros and cons. Which one is best for you will depend on your needs. It’s a good idea to get the opinion of your doctor.

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By the way, experts say that healthy individuals do not need to supplement with vitamin C daily, be it ascorbic acid or sodium ascorbate. Your daily requirement of vitamin C, which ranges from 75 to 90 milligrams, can be obtained by having a well-balanced diet.

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