Don’t Buy Fabric Softeners Anymore – They Are Harmful! Make Yourself a Natural and Inexpensive One!

Everybody likes their clothes to smell nice, but did you know that fabric softeners are full of harmful ingredients? These ingredients are very dangerous for children.

There are many studies from experts that prove how dangerous these fabric softeners are and there is a high risk for allergies when you use them for your clothes. Fabric softeners are everything but not health-friendly.

You should think about this when you go to the market to buy some softeners because they can enter your body through your skin and can cause very serious damage to your health.

From now on try to avoid fabric softeners when you are washing your clothes, especially when children’s clothes need to be washed. A known chemical that is added in softeners to obtain scent is Phthalates.

This chemical can harm the hormone balance in every animal. So when you are using fabric softener you are damaging your health and the environment around you.

I hope that now you realize why you shouldn’t use them anymore and you should decide to make your own 100% natural softener. Everything you need is this cheap and available ingredient: essential oil, water, apple cider vinegar, and baking soda.

• 10g baking soda
• 20 drops of essential oil
• 800 ml apple cider vinegar
• 150-200 ml hot water


  • Get a big plastic container (at least 3 liters big), because there is going to be a bubble reaction.
  • Mix the water, apple cider vinegar, and baking soda.
  • You will notice chemical reactions and bubbles are going to be everywhere.
  • Don’t worry everything is like it should be. When the mixture calms pour it on some of the softener tanks that you used to use and make sure to use a jar because it works the best.
  • Now you can add the essential oil and after you close the softener shake it. Don’t forget to shake it before every use. The recommended dosage is 4 tablespoons for one use.
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