Freezing Lemons Might Be the Best Thing You’ve Ever Done with Them

There is a study that has shown how limonoids which are natural compounds present in lemons and citrus fruit as a whole impede ER- and ER+ breast cancer cell growth.

This study proves that citrus fruits can prevent breast cancer and that they can lower breast cancer risk. Many people say that we should use everything from lemon and that’s not only for the obvious health benefits but for its amazing taste also.

Let me show you how to do it:
Take the frozen lemon and shred the whole lemon.
After that sprinkle it on salad, soup, noodles ice cream, cereals, or anything you want.

You will notice that the food is going to have that new taste that you haven’t experienced before.

Probably you are asking why you should do this. Well, because lemon peel has five to ten times more vitamins than lemon juice and most of us usually throw throwing the peel. Peel can help to get rid of all toxins in your body.

Lemon is over ten thousand times stronger than chemotherapy. Everybody from the health industry knows this but still, they want you to use their synthetic products which are going to bring them huge profits.

The best thing about lemons is their taste and that they don’t have horrible effects like chemotherapy. Lemon has an antimicrobial effect against any bacterial infection and it is effective against worms and parasites inside our body. Lemon can regulate our blood pressure when is too high and it can be used as an anti-depressant also it can be used to release us from daily stress.

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The source claims that they have tested lemons in 20 laboratories since 1970 and they are confirming that lemon can destroy malignant cells in 12 cancers including colon. Prostate, breast, pancreas, and lung. They confirm that Lemon is much stronger than the product Adriamycin which is used in chemotherapy.

Another fact about lemon is that it kills only cancer cells and does not kill any of the healthy ones.
Buy it, Wash it, Freeze it, grate it, and enjoy!

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