Homemade Nescafe Coffee

There is nothing like a delicious, homemade Nescafe coffee! To me, it is more of a dessert – because it’s sweet and yummy. The measures you can find below are a regular size coffee mug. The coffee is ready in less than 5 minutes. Enjoy it:

Homemade Nescafe Coffee

Servings 1


  • 1 to 2 teaspoons Nescafe coffee granules
  • 2 teaspoons sugar, to taste
  • hot water, enough to fill ¾ of the mug
  • 2 tablespoons cold milk
  • For garnish: whipped cream, cocoa powder (optional)



  • Put the coffee granules in a mug. How much coffee you use, will certainly depend on how strong you like the Nescafe. Add the sugar, then pour hot water just enough to cover the ingredients (not the whole water)
  • With a battery-powered or an electric hand-held frother (or you can put it in a blender if you don’t have one) mix the sugar and Nescafe together until it reaches creamy, foamy consistency. Once you get the creamy consistency, pour the remaining boiling water to fill the mug and add the milk.
  • The creamy part will come to the top of the cup. Don’t stir. Simply add a shot of milk on the top and then stir shortly with a spoon.
  • Serve with some whipped cream and sprinkle cocoa powder over the cream (if desired).


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