11 Homeopathic Home Remedies for Sinus Headaches

Sinus headaches are one of the most common reasons why people seek homeopathic care. There are a few studies that have examined the effectiveness of certain homeopathic remedies. However, professional homeopaths might recommend treatments for headaches based on their clinical experience and of course, knowledge. In one research of homeopathy for sinusitis, up to 81% of the participants had significant progress in their symptoms after taking some homeopathic remedy for two weeks.


Before prescribing a homeopathic remedy for sinus headaches, professionals take into account a constitutional type of the person. Moreover, in homeopathic terms, a constitution of a person is his/her emotional, intellectual, and physical makeup. An experienced homeopath evaluates all of these factors when defining the most suitable remedy for a particular person.

The following are remedies typically prescribed for sinus infection and headache:


  1. Arsenicum album

Used for burning, throbbing sinus headache that is released by lying upright in a room with open windows.


  1. Pulsatilla

Really effective remedy for a headache that is triggered by eating fatty foods, especially ice cream; pain can move around the head and concentrated on one side of the head or in the forehead of the head; it can be accompanied by digestive issues or appear around the time of menstruation; these symptoms have a tendency to worsen at night and with blowing the nose and coughing; children usually develop these symptoms.


  1. Bryonia

Great for a headache with a sharp and steady pain that usually happens in the forehead but can emit to the back of the head; the individual for whom this remedy is most suitable is often irritable and could experience constipation, vomiting, and nausea.

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  1. Hepar sulphuricum

Used for a headache defined as “a nail being driven between both eyes,” this sort of a headache is usually accompanied by thick, green or yellow nasal discharge. 


  1. Iris versicolor

Effective for burning headache that happens on one side of the head, mostly after eating sweets, cookies; visual disturbance may also appear; this headache is worse in the morning, during fall and spring, and symptoms have a tendency to worsen with nausea and vomiting.


  1. Belladonna

Often recommended for a headache that comes on suddenly and feels worse with light and motion; pain is partly relieved by standing, sitting, pressure, or leaning backward.


  1. Kali bichromicum

Used for sinus congestion and headache; pain usually appears between and behind the eyes; These symptoms usually progress through the morning, worsen with motion and cold, and improve with pressure and warmth.


  1. Natrum muriaticum

Used for congestion and headaches related to allergies.


  1. Mercurius

Generally, this remedy is used for raw and swollen nostrils; mercurius is the most appropriate remedy for people whose feel pain all over the head, especially in the upper teeth; symptoms often worsen at night and the person can alternate between heaving chills and sweating; nasal discharge might be a little bloody.


  1. Spigelia

Recommended for burning, throbbing or stinging sinus pain that usually appears on the left side of the head; symptoms have a tendency to worsen with motion and cold weather but can be temporarily released by lying on the right side of the head or with cold compresses.

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  1. Silicea

Used for sinus pain that improves with warm compresses, head wraps, and pressure.





Some studies have proven the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies for sinus headaches. Nowadays, they are some of the most used remedies for treating sinus infections, migraine, and tension headaches. The homeopathic medicines are listed by their Latin names in order for users and manufacturers to be really precise on the original source of the particular medicine.

Homeopathic medications are legally recognized as treatments (usually “over-the-counter drugs,” which is, a medication that doesn’t require a prescription from a doctor, because of their widely recognized safety) In order to determine the best dosage and potency for any remedy for sinus headaches, it’s recommendable to consult a homeopathic expert or get a homeopathic guidebook.

Reference: Umm.edu 10/19/2015

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