How to Get Rid And Prevent of Blackheads Naturally

Well, I can assure you that almost everybody has them and is wondering what is the way to remove them.

The most affected areas are the chin, forehead, and nose. Most of the Blackheads appear on the nose and many of us are trying to cover them with powder or correctors. Believe that we have a much better solution for that.

The simplest and most effective way to get rid of blackheads naturally is this:
Remove all your dead skin from that place because if you don’t there is a chance for the blackheads to be trapped in the pores. To make this you can make peeling and pay attention to the area with blackheads.

Moisten your face and apply some of the pilling mixture of your choice (whatever suits you and rub the area with a towel or you can make gentle circle motions with a glove.

Rub the affected area for five to ten minutes and remember to rinse your face when you finish with the process.

After you rinse your face take a clean cloth take a bowl fill it with hot water and bow your head over it.

Cover your head with the cloth in order to achieve better results. Stay like that for ten minutes.

After that, you can prepare a mask that will clean your face. All you need is one glass of mineral water and four tablespoons of baking soda

Mix the soda and the water until you get a paste-like mixture.


Apply this mixture onto your face and let it rest like that for ten minutes.

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Rinse your face afterward and remember to avoid the area around your eyes because you can get ta errible reaction if you touch your eyes with this mask.

You will notice that the results are visible right away.
Dry your face and put some moisturizing cream on it.

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