How to Make Kombucha at Home

Kombucha is a wonderful fermented beverage made from tea. This beverage has origins from China and has 2000 years of history. Now kombucha is a very popular drink and people attach different types of health benefits to it.

Kombucha contains a lot of detoxifying acid, B vitamins, and a lot of natural probiotics. Kombucha is not cheap in health food stores so this recipe will save you a fortune!

For this recipe, you need 1an 1-gallon glass jar with a wide opening.



  • 13 cups of filtered water
  • 1 cup organic sugar or you can molasses or raw honey
  • 5 tsp organic loose-leaf black tea
  • 1 cup finished plain kombucha
  • 1 SCOBY kombucha (Scoby means spongy pancake. Obtain it from a store or a friend)



  • Boil three cups of water, add sugar, and stir it until it’s dissolved. Remove it and add loose tea. After that let it rest for 30 minutes.


  • Pour some sweet tea through a mesh strainer into your 1-gallon glass jar. Discard leaves if there are any. Now add the finished kombucha and after that add the scoby with sweet tea too. Put the rest of the cups with water (10) and cover the top of the jar with cheesecloth. Secure the jar with a rubber band and leave it like that for 7-10 days in a dark and warm place.


  • Try your kombucha and if it tastes sour and sweet without the tea taste it’s ready. Now remove your scoby with clean hands and separate it from the newly formed. Put the scoby in a bottle and let it rest at room temperature for 2 days. Like that carbons are going to build up and after that put it in the refrigerator. It’s ready to drink!
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Kombucha can last up to three months but when you drink it for a shorter period is going to be much more beneficial for you. You can repeat the previous process with the newly formed kombucha!

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