How to Stop a Heart Attack in 1 Minute (Recipe Included)

Many of us are not aware that some of the simplest ingredients can prevent heart attacks.

Do you know something about cayenne peppers? This is the most popular kind of chili so be sure to
have it around you in case some of your family needs it.

Dr. Christopher has been an American herbalist for over 35 years and hasn’t lost a single patient cause he
is using cayenne peppers on his patients. There are many ways to use cayenne pepper and some are
very effective.

If you have these peppers at home give them to the patient. Of course, the patient must be conscious
and breathe. Mix one teaspoon of cayenne pepper and a glass of water. If the patient is unconscious you
should put a little bit of the pepper under the patient’s tongue.

Cayenne pepper has a hemostatic effect so this will stop bleeding instantly and will help in heart recovery.

Now I will show the best tincture for emergency cases of heart attacks:

Cayenne pepper powder
a few fresh cayenne peppers
glass bottle (1 liter)
50% alcohol (you can use vodka)


Because cayenne peppers are scorching put your gloves first.
Fill a quarter of a glass bottle with pepper powder and put alcohol to cover the powder.
Blend the fresh cayenne peppers and add enough alcohol to get a sauce-like texture.
Add the blended sauce into the bottle and now you should have 3 quarters of the bottle full with this tincture.
Fill the rest of the bottle with alcohol.
Leave it to rest for 29-30 days, strain it using gauze, and storefront it in a dark bottle.
For those who like even stronger tincture strain it after 3 months.
Close the bottle and keep it in a dry and dark place.
This is the strongest natural spice that makes miracles for the heart. Always have it around you.

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