Prevent Cancer With These Herbs and Spices

Herbs and spices are a staple part of every dish or meal. But did you know that aside from adding taste and flavor to your food, they also have many health benefits?


Let’s get to know these herbs and spices that have cancer-preventive properties. Scroll down below to find out.

1. Turmeric

Turmeric contains curcumin, which gives curry powder its yellow color. This compound contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, that can help protect against cancer development.

Due to its mild flavor, turmeric can be used as a dry rub on vegetables and even chicken. It can also be added to sauces, soups, and stews to help prevent cancer.

2. Parsley

Parsley contains apigenin, a natural oil that prevents the growth of blood vessels that supply cancerous tumors, which is known as angiogenesis. Apigenine cuts off the blood supply to a tumor. That is why this green herb has been gaining attention from the medical community.

3. Garlic

Garlic is an allium vegetable that is known to help prevent cancer, most especially of the stomach. Allium vegetables contain organosulfur compounds, the chemical responsible for causing eye-tearing when it is being chopped. OOrganosulfurare is known for its anti-carcinogenic and immune-strengthening qualities.

Garlic can be sauteed in a tablespoon of olive oil and served with whole-grain bread or added to meat and vegetable dishes.

4. Rosemary

Rosemary is a Mediterranean herb and a good source of antioxidants. Its leaves contain fatty acids of terpenes, a natural substance that prevents the cancer cells in tumors from reproducing and eventually dying.

You can use rosemary to add flavor to tomato-based sauces, soup, bread, and even high-protein foods such as beef, lamb,b, and poultry.

5. Chile Pepper

Chile pepper contains capsaicin, known to be a powerful antioxidant, toxic to cancer cells. Capsaicin hinders the growth of prostate cancer cells and has the power to let them die.

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Chile pepper can add a tasty kick to several dishes as well. You can even mix it with other spices for that smoky-heat taste.

6. Black Pepper

Black pepper contains the substance piperine, a compound with strong antioxidant properties. Pepper has been found to inhibit the growth of cancerous stem cells of breast tumors. But this spice does not destroy healthy cells.

Pepper can add flavor to many dishes, from casseroles to soups. Additionally, it is a healthful alternative to table salt.

7. Mint

Mint contains phytochemicals, that are known to cut off the blood supply to cancer tumors, thus resulting in their death.

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