Stomach Flu (Viral Gastroenteritis): Best Home Remedies

Stomach flu (or viral gastroenteritis) is an abdominal infection marked by stomach cramps, watery diarrhea, vomiting or nausea, and sometimes even fever.

The most common way to develop stomach flu (viral gastroenteritis) is through contact with an infected person or by consuming contaminated food or water. There are not any complications for otherwise healthy people, but for older adults, people with compromised immune system and infants this disease can be even deadly.

Stomach flu is not actually a “flu”. It is gastroenteritis and can be caused by a virus, bacteria, or a parasite. Viral gastroenteritis symptoms can range from mild to awful. This condition can last from 24 to 48 hours or as long as ten terrible days. 

Home Remedies for Stomach Flu

Antibiotics cannot help because the cause of this condition is viral. Here are the best home treatments for stomach flu that may not cure you, but certainly will help you ease the pain.

  1. What to EAT

Doctors used to recommend sticking only to banana, toast, rice, applesauce for a few days, but nowadays they recommend this diet for just the first 24 hours. This is because our bodies need other nutrients from more varied diets in order recover fully.

  • Pretzels and crackers

These foods are high in sodium. Salt aids you retain water so you do not get dehydrated.



  • Banana

Banana is high in potassium and easy to digest. It is also high in pectin, which is a fiber that aids ease diarrhea.

  • Yogurt

Generally, dairy products are not always a good choice when you have some abdominal problems because they can be pretty hard to digest. However, live bacteria, the probiotics in yogurt can help bring the digestive system back on track. Greek yogurt is the best choice for this condition.

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  • Kefir

Just like yogurt, kefir is fermented milk drink that is rich in probiotics and can help you replenish the “good” bacteria in the gut.

  • Bland foods

You can consume bland food after the first 24 hours. Add bland foods like well-cooked eggs, some lean meat, gelatin, rice and chicken in your diet. These foods are also easy to digest and full of proteins. They will also provide you a great energy. In case you want to eat fruits and vegetables, consume them cooked – not raw.


  • Burnt toast

This is a nice food for the early symptoms of stomach flu. Do not consume it more than once, because there is an opinion that burnt toast can soak up the toxins in the gut that are contributing to the illness. 

  1. What to DRINK
  • Water

Dehydration is the most dangerous side effect of gastroenteritis. When you have nausea, vomiting or diarrhea, you should increase the amount of fluid you’re consuming. Experts suggest 1 cup of water every hour for grownups. However, just water is not enough. So, try other clear fluids as teas and rice water. You should skip sugary, carbonated and caffeinated drinks because these drinks can make stomach flu worse.

  • Ice chips

Drinking plenty of liquids can help a lot. In order to stay hydrated, you can also include 2-3 ice chips. This will help if you feel horrid and if you are not able to keep anything in your gut.

  • Rice water

Rice water is the water that is left over after boiling rice. This water is really high in electrolytes. A research found that rice water can ease diarrhea in infants even better than an electrolyte solution. Just strain the water, cool it and you are ready to consume.

  • Herbal tea

Ginger, mint, chamomile, rooibos or fennel tea are some of the best teas for stomach flu. They have incredible anti-inflammatory and soothing properties and are widely used for different types of digestive issues. 2-3 cups of either ginger or mint tea will release your pain and improve your health condition. You can also drink ginger ale or chew a piece of ginger root.

  • Apple cider vinegar

It is a traditional medicine for treating digestive problems that have been used for centuries. Simply make a mixture by using:

  • 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 1 cup of lukewarm water
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This can help you with abdominal cramps and gas.


  1. What TO DO
  • Rest

Although it may sound obvious, this is the most important home remedy for this disorder (as well as for any other disease). Rest your body and try sleeping as much as possible.

  • Eat less and drink more

If you are vomiting or feeling queasy, you need to give your gut a break. Try to consume less food and more fluids. Your stomach needs to rest for a few hours.

  • Heat

A microwaveable heat pack or heating pad will help you to ease stomach pain and cramps.



Diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting of gastroenteritis come from build-ups of “bad bacteria” in the digestive tract and colon. Often, taking many antibiotics brings on this condition, because antibiotics wipe out both the bad and good bacteria in the body. Probiotics are organisms that replenish the good bacteria in the gut, and thus, bring the digestive system back into balance. Herbal teas and diet changes can help you relieve the pain. You should also rest more and consume more clear liquids. For further medical treatments, you should consult your doctor when you notice the early symptoms of stomach flu.

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