Stomach Ulcers: 4 Effective Natural Treatments

Stomach ulcers (gastric ulcers) are painful, open sores which develop on the lining of the belly.

Ulcers could also appear in part of the intestine right beyond the stomach – these are called duodenal ulcers.

Both duodenal and stomach ulcers are sometimes known as peptic ulcers. In this article, we use the term “stomach ulcer”, even though the information and remedies apply equally to duodenal ulcers.

What causes stomach ulcers?

Stomach ulcers appear when the layer that protects the intestinal lining from gastral acid breaks down that allows the intestinal lining to become damaged.

This is typically a result of:

  • Using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), as aspirin or ibuprofen – especially if they are taken for at high doses or a long time
  • An infection with H. Pylori (Helicobacter pylori) bacteria

It used to be thought that certain foods or stress may cause stomach ulcers, however, there is little evidence to submit this is the case.

Stomach Ulcers Symptoms

Numerous symptoms are linked with stomach ulcers. Generally, the severity of the symptoms depends on the severity of the sore. The most common symptom of ulcers is a pain or burning sensation in the area between the chest and belly button. Usually, the pain is more intense when the stomach is empty and it lasts for a few minutes or several hours.

Other common symptoms of stomach ulcers include:

  • Weight loss
  • Dull pain in the belly
  • Losing appetite because of pain
  • Pain improves when you drink, eat, or take antacids.
  • Bloating
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Burning sensation in the chest (heartburn)
  • Burping or acid reflux
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Natural Treatments for Ulcers 

Following, Your Health Tubers offer you 4 effective methods that can help you get rid of ulcers effectively:

  1. Home Remedies for Ulcers

Here are 4 effective methods for treating ulcers at home, suggested by Dr. Axe:

  • Aloe Vera (3x daily, ¼ cup)

You can use aloe Vera as a supplement or cut some fresh aloe Vera leaf – use the jelly as an ingredient to your favorite tea or smoothie (it doesn’t have a pleasant taste but it will help you eliminate the pain and heal the intestinal lining.

  • Licorice Root (500 mg before meals)

Take licorice root supplement before meals to help you stimulate regeneration of mucous membranes in the belly. Alternatively, you can drink licorice root tea 3-4 times a day.

  • L-glutamine (3x daily, 2 grams)

Use L-glutamine supplement to protect and cure the digestive tract.

  • Chamomile tea (4x daily, 1 cup)

Chamomile tea has a soothing effect on the nerves and will help you heal ulcers.

  • Plain yogurt (2x daily)

Taking probiotics 2 times a day – 15 billion live organisms – will help recolonize the digestive tract with “good “bacteria and treat the infection. 

  1. Ulcer-Fighting Foods 

Here are the best foods to eat as part of an ulcer eating plan for fast relief:

  • Small meals

Consume several meals daily to decrease the burden on the digestive tract and relieve ulcer symptoms.

  • High fiber foods

Increase your intake of foods high in fiber, aim for about 30 grams daily. We suggest raspberries, orange, banana, dried figs, oatmeal, brown rice, black beans, almonds, sweet corn, raw carrot, and baked potato (with skin).

  • Fermented foods
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Add kefir, unsweetened yogurt, or kimchi to your diet – healthy bacteria in the stomach can help prevent H. Pylori infection.

  • Green leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables are abundant in Vitamin K with can help repair damage that is caused by stomach acid. Kale, spinach, collards, Swiss chard, cabbage, broccoli, and iceberg lettuce are some of the best choices. Doctors suggest cabbage juice for fast results – it has been proven to heal ulcers and can be diluted with carrot juice for extra benefits.

  1. Essential Oils for Treating Ulcer 

Using essential oils of frankincense and peppermint are effective natural treatments for ulcers. Simply add 2 drops of frankincense and peppermint oil to a glass of water 2 times per day until your feel relief from ulcers.

  1. Foods to Avoid

While some foods provide a preventive and curing effects, certain foods can make ulcers worse. Acidic and greasy foodsare most likely to disturb your belly, as are spicy foods.

In order to ease ulcer pain, you should avoid:

  • Carbonated beverages
  • All types of coffee
  • Processed foods
  • Hot and chili peppers
  • Deep fried foods
  • Salty red meat

When to See Your Doctor

You should visit your doctor if your pain doesn’t stop after 1-2 days’ maximum of home treatment. Seek urgent medical help if you experience some of the following symptoms:

  • Passing dark, sticky, and tar-like stools;
  • Vomiting blood (it can have bright red or dark brown, grainy look – similar to coffee ground),
  • A sudden and sharp pain in the stomach which gets worse.

The above-mentioned symptoms can be a sign of more serious complication – as internal bleeding. 

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How to prevent stomach ulcers?

In order to prevent bacterial infection, you should wash your hands with soap and water regularly.

Ensure all food you eat is suitably cleaned and cooked thoroughly. Moreover, to prevent ulcer caused by NSAISs you should limit the use or stop using this kind of medicines (if possible). If you must take these medications – ensure to follow the recommended daily dose and avoid alcohol while taking NSAISs.

Some lifestyle changes can also help prevent the formation of ulcers. Avoiding tobacco products, properly managing stress, and limiting alcohol consumption can all contribute to a healthy intestinal lining.




Natural treatments may help you get rid of ulcers. Avoid the above-stated foods and try to limit the consumption of alcohol, avoid tobacco, and reduce stress.

Talk your doctor if you experience symptoms of peptic ulcers. Although discomfort can be mild, ulcers may worsen if they are not treated properly.

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