You Won’t Believe Putting This in Your Navel Will Help You with Colds, the Flu, Cough, Abdominal and Menstrual Pain

We will present to you the most effective methods of alternative medicine that can help you overcome the common menstrual and stomach pain, cough, or cold.

This simple and very effective procedure does not require from you any special knowledge and it’s super easy. Everything you need to do is to soak some cotton wool into 50% alcohol and place the cotton on your belly button.

This will help you to relax your body and to relieve the pain. This method is a far better option than any drugs on the market and it can help to prevent flu and inflammation of muscles.

When you are ill you can squeeze the cotton wool soaked in alcohol and fix it with plaster on your belly button. This will speed up your healing process.

The same method can be used when you have menstrual pain, but the only thing you need to add is to gently press the cotton on your belly with your hands and lie down like that for a while. If you want to solve stomach pains or travel sickness you should add a bit of salt on the cotton wool.

Alcohol is an anesthetic and it can help to prevent pain. Alcohol is used for many infections or diseases in folk medicine. Alcohol can also help you with toothache but remember that in that case alcohol will delay the problem but it won’t solve it. Alcohol is a frequently used sedative.

There is a study in England that explained the amazing effect of alcohol on some diseases.

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Drinking Alcohol in normal dosages of course (10 units per week) can ease the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and it can reduce disease severity. A large group of patients with RA were tested and those who used to drink not more than 10 units per week had lower levels of inflammation and less joint pain.

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