20 Reasons you should Drink Lemon Water in the Morning

Adding lemon to a glass of water is the best way to kill thirst and no better beverage does that.

Also when you consume lemon and water you are getting a lot of minerals, vitamins,, and trace elements that are needed for your body to be healthy. This is the best natural booster.

When you consume lemon water in the morning you push out all of the toxins out of your body. Another helpful feature of lemon water is that it regulates the work of the digestive tract and kidneys.

  1. Lemon water provides your body with electrolytes which hydrate the body.
  2. Lemon water reduces pain in the muscles and joints.
  3. Lemon with hot water stimulates the secretion of gastric juice and digestion.
  4. Lemon water stimulates the production of enzymes in the liver.
  5. It also cleanses the liver.
  6. Lemon water fights against infections of the sore throats, and inflammation of the tonsils and respiratory tract.
  7. Also helps to regulate bowel movement.
  8. It’s protecting your body from free radicals.
  9. Helps your nervous system to properly work.
  10. Lemon water cleanses arteries and blood vessels.
  11. It can help to lower blood pressure.
  12. Lemon water is the level of your pH, a higher pH means better immunity.
  13. It is good for your skin because of the high level of Vitamin C.
  14. Lemon water is helping to dilute uric acid which is the main reason for pain in gout and joints.
  15. Lemon water is helpful for pregnant women. It helps in the formation of bone tissue of the baby.
  16. Lemon water relieves heartburn.
  17. Lemon water can dissolve kidney stones, calcium deposits, and pancreatic stones.
  18. Lemon water can help in losing weight.
  19. It also eliminates gingivitis and tooth pain.
  20. Many studies proved that lemon water prevents cancer.
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