The Best Home Treatments Against Snoring

Yes there are home treatments against snoring. Snoring is the harsh or hoarse sound which appears when your breathing is partly obstructed in some way while you are sleeping.

The sound comes from the soft palate and tissue in the nose, mouth, or throat vibrating.

Some people snore occasionally and the noise they make is not predominantly loud while others could snore every night, very loud to be even heard in the next room.

What causes snoring? 

Snoring is caused by the vibration of soft tissue in the neck and head as a person breathes in and out during sleep. This includes the tonsils, the soft palate in the roof of the mouth, and the nasal passages.

While we sleep, the airways unwind and narrow. This affects air pressure in the airways and causes vibration of the tissue. This can also happen if the airways are partly blocked – for instance, in the case of cold.

Your probabilities of snoring may also be increased by factors such as smoking, drinking an excessive amount of alcohol, and being overweight.

Home Treatments Against SnoringSymptoms of Snoring

People who snore make a rattling, vibrating, loud sound while breathing during sleep. This can be a symptom of sleep apnea. Visit your doctor if you snore and have some of the following signs or symptoms:

  • Morning headaches;
  • Excessive daytime sleepiness;
  • Recent weight gain;
  • Awaking at night feeling confused;
  • Awakening in the morning not feeling rested;
  • Observed pauses in breathing during sleep, and/or
  • Changes in your level of concentration, memory, or attention.

Home Treatments Against Snoring

  1. Lifestyle Changes
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Lifestyle changes are typically recommended by the healthcare professionals as a first step to treating this ailment. This include:

  • Not drinking alcohol – especially a few hours before you sleep;
  • Giving up smoking – in case you smoke;
  • Losing weight – in case you are overweight;
  • Change your pillow – allergens in the bedroom and the pillow can contribute to snoring.
  • Exercising regularly – can help strengthen neck muscles that may help prevent the airways narrowing;
  • Stay hydrated – drink plenty of water and other healthy liquids, because when your body has dehydrated the secretion the soft plate, as well as the nose, turn tackier leading to snoring.
  • Practice Pranayama – it is a form of yoga exercise dedicated to learning how to regulate the breathing and an amazing technique for relaxation. It will possibly decrease or eliminate your hoarse sound.


  1. Sleeping Style 

Sleeping in a wrong position could also block the air passageways and make the tissues at the back of the tongue fail leading to snoring. Following, you can find some great tips on how you can improve your sleep pattern and eliminate snoring.

  • Don’t sleep on the back – because in this position, the soft palate and tongue will collapse to the back portion of the throat that will give rise to vibration. So, if you snore – it would be better to sleep on the side. You can take help of a body pillow in order to keep sleeping on your side. Further, you can also use the traditional approach of sewing tennis balls to the mid-back of the pajama back.
  • Use humidifier – one of the most common reasons for snoring is dry air. A steam vaporizer or humidifier in the bedroom can help you keep the air passages moist.
  • Raise the head – you can take more pillows under the head you lift the bed in such a way that the head remains raised so that you don’t get a nasal But, these measures can also give you neck pain.
  • Check your medications – certain drugs increase muscle relaxation that leads to snoring. In case you noticed that you snore after using certain medication, consult your doctor for alternatives or substitutes.
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  1. Tongue and Throat Exercises 

Tongue and throat exercises can strengthen your tongue and throat muscles and decreases snoring. Therefore, tight muscles won’t collapse backwards when you sleep.

  • Pronounce vowel sounds (a, e, i, o, u). You should repeat each of the vowel sounds loudly for 3 minutes at a stretch for about 3 to 4 times a day.
  • Put the tip of the tongue behind the top front teeth. Next, slide the tongue backwards for about 3 minutes per day.
  • Close your mouth. Now, purse the lips and hold for half a minutes.
  • Open the mouth. Then, move the jaw to the right and hold for 30 seconds. Repeat this by moving jaw to the left.
  • Keep the mouth open. Now, contract the muscles at the back of the throat repetitively for half a minute. Do this in front of a mirror, so you can see the ‘hanging ball’ (the uvula) that moves up and down.



Conclusion about Home Treatments Against Snoring:

Lifestyle changes, such as losing weight, giving up smoking, and reducing the amount of alcohol, are usually recommended first. Throat exercises could help reduce snoring, but it’s important to seek medical advice before you start any treatment.

Surgery is often regarded as a treatment of last resort. It is significant to be aware that surgery may have a limited effect that does not last longer than 1-2 years. Moreover, it can cause unpleasant side effects or even complications.


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